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Welcome to Practice Tests Acedamy
Practice Tests Academy (PTA) is an accredited online CIMA tuition provider. We specialise in delivering mock exams, practice kits and complete video courses prepared by our expert tutors. We also cooperate with Kaplan and therefore we resell official study books and have added selected Kaplan's materials to our own packages as a bonus.
Better Learning. Better Results.
One platform for all your learning needs
Top Quality Questions
All questions and solutions, designed by top exam experts, based on latest patterns and actual exam level
Detailed Analysis
Know your weaknesses, strengths and everything else that you need to know to improve your score and rank.
Live Quizzes
Get your All-India Rank and feel the thrill of a real-exam. Groom your pressure handling and time management skills.
Learning Videos
Become lifelong learners with best teachers, engaging video lessons and personalised learning journeys
How can I help you to pass your exam?
Study at your own pace. at the comforts of your own home and get instant feedback from more than 600 High Quality Questions, so you can progress FASTER and become confident.
Improve your skills using our time-sensitive mock exams of 30 or 60 randomised questions and get your feedback instantly!
Your success is our dedication. We have designed this proven 3-step formula to help you enhance your CIMA knowledge and achieve CIMA success. It's all about making life easier.
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Wizam!
What are online mock tests?
Can I take an online mock test from any device?
How are online mock tests graded?
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How many online mock tests can I take?
Are the questions in the online mock test the same as the actual exam?